Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Happy Birthday music box

Happy Birthday song from music box =)

Jalan jalan di Mal =)

Music Box
it can touch your feeling,, so many popular song that u can choose price is 124.000 rupiahs

u can buy it as a gift =)

pikachuu mask

Kamen Rider!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Katalog Toimoi

And these is Toimoi Ar+design catalogue, in 2009 , year that i was their inhouse designer product employee

the product which circled are my designs

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Karya ku di Toko Baru

i went to new Toimoi art and design store @ Kemang Mansion , Jakarta Selatan..yesterday.
How i missed my designs soo much,, as u can see the "Age of Tree"carpet ,, it is really remind me of my work there =) and i am glad my design still exist and decorating the store

And these are my designs too..
for Exhibition of "Toimoi and Mastomcustom Colaboration "
was held in October 2009

they have displayed them nice =)

and these are my design for girls/ womans before they use a helmet to take motorcycle rides
to protect their hair from stink or dust from the helmet

Patcwork Lamp, my design for toimoi too =)