yiippy!! an Exhibition again..
as i wish i want to have them at least once a year..
I am glad those goodluck came to me after my birthday. Here's the story..
After I left Bali, i wanted to make my decision of being an artist (i hope this will last forever ;P) or being a good furniture/product designer; REAL.
Then, i went to Bandung on my birthday, September 10th , 2011. I wanted to refresh my self , hang around with my closest friends. Being in Bandung feels like hometown too for me. I have studied here for 5years in Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB).
My friend ask me to join some workshop. I was surprised that is Ceramic, things that i haven't touched before. And again, I will say YES! for learn new things !!
I've got more exited , because the artwork of that workshop will be exhibit, after.
Anyway, for futher information , i have coppied these text of that workshop:
(click the tittle,will guide you to the complete photos)
Ceramic Workshop Mirjam Veldhuis and Mella Jaarsma
“The aim of the workshop was to get into an experimenting mood on the subject of skin. Participants were invited to follow their intuition on it. This exhibition is showing the result of their individual processes and is not so much about finished pieces of art.”
Exhibition : 6 – 12 October 2011
Opening : 6 October 2011 at 19.30
Galeri Soemardja FSRD ITB
Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung. West Java, Indonesia
Open daily from 09.00 – 17.00
Afini Dwinastary Agia Putri Akbar Adhi Satrio Antonio Sebastian Bonggal J. Hutagalung Chany Foresty Damar Ayu Cahyani Dessy Safira Dodi Hilman Herra Pahlasari Lidyawati Lim Maria Josephina Rizki Andina Soekrisno Sekarputri Sidhiawati Siti Nur Fauziana Tania Andina Kardin Tisa Granicia Zulkarnaen Andries Omar
Mirjam and me
a view of us, the participants