Seems like my 14th mural project is huge. This is the first time i am working it for Hotel , located at Jl. Lembong ,Bandung. Named "The Crown Plaza Hotel" . I'm going to paint the Kids Sport in the Hotel on level 5. Ofcourse i need help for working on this project. My beloved husband and my friends, Patricia Untario & Sandra are soo kind , they're helping me alot!
I counted this project will finish by 10 days , if there is no other difficulties from situations/conditions factor. Because i see this Kids Sport room is not yet finish and clean.
As we know, the paintings or any decorations thingy have to be done at the last. After the room is clear and clean from dust. But, if we are not started soon , then the other contractor wouldn't finish the room faster. Soo it will be 10days or more :D . Yes, it is 10days in May and continue 7days in June 2015.
here's the step:
1. I designed the illustrations of Farm theme on Adobe Illustrations. I have to paints three parts. Each parts of the wall is about 5meters wide and 2,4meters height.
part 1 : Farm Animal
part 2 : Farmhouse
part 3 : Bee in the Farm Fields
2. I sketch directly to the white blank wall with wall paints, Dulux Easy Clean. Don't use pencil, because pencil will left its carbon, like dust. That not mix well with paint after the colouring. Then we colour it.
Patrice helping me colouring the block colour part
The block colour parts almost finish
colouring the part 3 : Bee in the Farm Fields
one wall still blank wall, i need to piant it immediately :)
Start all the details for animal, bee, farm house and flowers
Actually I have the video of the process, but still on editing progress , hehe.. so for now here's the photos after all wall are finished!!
Bee in the Farm Fields
close up for the bee
that two doors are toilet
smiling bee :)
i love this bee , ready to have honey from flower
zoom in for the cow talking to the bee, says "good day!"
Rooster's family :D
Farm House
the bridge
the end of my Farm Theme mural part
smileeeee :)
if we look from distance,
oh yaa the see through glass will also have sticker from my friend's design.
But it will be put after the furnitures are installed